Obama pledges broader engagment with Iran

US President-elect Barack Obama has outlined a new approach toward Iran that will both emphasise respect for its people and spell…

US President-elect Barack Obama has outlined a new approach toward Iran that will both emphasise respect for its people and spell out expectations for its leaders.

"Iran is going to be one of our biggest challenges," Obama said in an interview with ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulostoday.

Mr Obama said he was concerned about the Islamic republic's support of the Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hizbullah and about Iran's nuclear enrichment, which he said could trigger a Middle East arms race.

In a shift from President George W. Bush's policies, Mr Obama has said he would seek much broader engagement with Iran.


"We are going to have to take a new approach. And I've outlined my belief that engagement is the place to start," he said.

He takes office as president on January 20th.
