Oireachtas body asked to study report on DIT

An Oireachtas committee has been asked to examine a report on the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) which highlighted serious…

An Oireachtas committee has been asked to examine a report on the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) which highlighted serious levels of dissatisfaction among staff and management.

The college's governing body is due to consider the report at its next meeting, it has been learned.

Fine Gael's education spokesman, Mr Michael Creed TD, has written to the chairman of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Science, Mr Michael Kitt TD, asking him to put the report on the agenda for the committee's next meeting.

The report was written by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC). Mr Creed was responding to a report in The Irish Times last Friday, which disclosed the findings of the LRC document. Based on the views of staff and management the report concluded the DIT was facing several industrial relations and management problems. It suggested a range of reforms to deal with these.


"A programme of immediate remedial action needs to be put in place if the status of the college is to be protected and to enable the institute to fulfil its potential," said Mr Creed.

Mr Creed said references in the report to politically motivated agendas, poor morale and lack of consultation were "disappointing", but not surprising because many people "may have been disappointed when the institute was established and its management structure put in place".

In a separate development yesterday, the Teachers' Union of Ireland, which represents many academic staff at the DIT, issued a statement welcoming the LRC report.

However, it criticised the release of the report into the public domain.

The DIT has declined to comment on the report because of its confidentiality but has circulated it to staff.

It has emphasised to staff not to release details to the media or other outside parties.