Olympic medallists get heroes' welcome in Dublin

AIRPORT REUNIONS are always emotional affairs, but the family, friends and fans of the Irish Olympic team took it to another …

AIRPORT REUNIONS are always emotional affairs, but the family, friends and fans of the Irish Olympic team took it to another level last night as they welcomed their heroes back to home soil.

A sea of Tricolours and a chorus of "Olé, Olé, Olé" helped generate a carnival atmosphere at Dublin airport, where medal-winning boxers Kenny Egan, Paddy Barnes and Darren Sutherland touched down shortly after 5pm.

Team captain Egan said the scale of his achievement in winning an Olympic silver medal had not yet hit him.

"I remember all those years ago watching [Michael] Carruth in his Olympic final taking the gold and I really thought in my heart of hearts I had it in me to go out and do the same, but I just fell short," he said.


Any signs of disappointment soon disappeared, however, when Egan was reunited with his proud parents, Paul and Maura, and his girlfriend, Karen Sullivan.

He was later whisked off to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre where he embarked on a half-hour victory tour on an open-top bus. The bus travelled through Neilstown, stopping at Egan's former school, St Peter the Apostle, before arriving in Clondalkin for further celebrations.

Bronze medallist Sutherland said he was delighted to see his family after five long weeks in Beijing and"it was great to have something to bring home", he smiled.

Further celebrations are planned for Barnes in Belfast this evening.