One Night in Baghdad

Brendan Burke likes to reiterate one point during this one man show - there were 250 Irish people living in Baghdad during the…

Brendan Burke likes to reiterate one point during this one man show - there were 250 Irish people living in Baghdad during the Gulf war and they were "having a ball". Bombs, Baghdad belly, and bad kebabs, all they did was drink and wasn't it gas altogether? Although it's billed as a recollection of time spent in Iraq, Burke's set could just as easily have taken place in suburban Dublin or the Irish community in Costa del Sol. The conflict is only referred to when it becomes a sound effect with which to compare a bad bout of diarrhoea. Burke is much more interested in inquiring why girls always shriek when they see each other's new hair-cut (do we?) and in making jokes about Germans eating a lot of muesli.

Burke himself points out that his set is not really about the Gulf war because" it's meant to be a comedy show, isn't it?" Ah, right.