Outlawed: A prohibition timeline

1858 Poisons Act passed in the UK, governing the supply of poisons to ensure they don't fall into criminal hands

1858Poisons Act passed in the UK, governing the supply of poisons to ensure they don't fall into criminal hands

1868Pharmacy Act passed in the US, making it illegal to purchase a number of poisons - among them arsenic, cyanide and opium - without a license

1909Opium smoking is outlawed in the US

1914Harrison Narcotics Act places further stringent controls on opium and cocaine in the US


1920-1933Alcohol is prohibited in the US

1920Dangerous Drugs Act prohibits the importation and exportation of drugs including opium, cocaine and morphine in the UK

1928Drugs Act amended in the UK, adding cannabis (below) to the list of proscribed substances

1961United Nations adopts the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, providing a framework for international drug control

1966LSD banned in the US

1971Misuse of Drugs Act passed in the UK, listing proscribed drugs in specific classes and the penalties for their possession

1977Misuse of Drugs Act passed in Ireland, controlling the import, export, production, supply and possession of a range of named narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances