'Overjoyed' family look forward to reunion after anxious wait

ARMAGH/AFGHANISTAN: The Flanigan family have spoken of being overjoyed at the release of the UN worker and have expressed relief…

ARMAGH/AFGHANISTAN: The Flanigan family have spoken of being overjoyed at the release of the UN worker and have expressed relief that the "terrible anxiety" of the past month is over, writes Dan Keenan, Northern News Editor in Richhill

In a carefully prepared statement, Mr Andrew Flanigan, Ms Annetta Flanigan's brother, spoke yesterday of his family's gratitude to all who had helped to secure the release.

"On behalf of the family, I wish to state that we are all absolutely overjoyed at the confirmed news that Annetta and her two colleagues, Shqipe and Angelito, have been released," he said.

"After all the terrible anxiety of the last 27 days, it is an incredible relief to know that Annetta is safe and well and now reunited with her husband, José."


He continued: "We wish to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to secure Annetta's freedom.

"Annetta and José have particularly asked me to thank those Afghan people who risked so much to bring about her release.

"As a family we remain grateful for everyone's concern about Annetta's well-being and for all the messages we have received from family and friends, and also from people all over the world. We have been supported by these messages and the great kindness shown by the wider community.

"Knowing that we have been in so many people's thoughts and prayers has been a great source of comfort to us.

"We would also like to thank the media for their understanding of our difficult position during the past weeks. We rejoice today at the news of Annetta's release and are now looking forward to seeing Annetta and her husband José when they come home to Northern Ireland in the near future."

He said this would be the only statement the family wished to make at present. Local reaction in Richhill, Co Armagh, was one of low-key relief.

The Rev David Coe, the family's minister, said: "Thank God this ordeal is over. Everyone is just overjoyed because they have been waiting and hoping that this release would come sooner rather than later. There is a sense of disbelief about it all."

He said Annetta hoped to be back in Richhill soon to see her mother, who was widowed earlier this year.

"This will be a very happy reunion for them both coming up to Christmas. Her mother has borne up very well and come through this with a quiet dignity and great patience."

Mr Jim Speers, a local unionist councillor, said the release of Ms Flanigan was "a dark cloud removed".

"There is jubilation within the community here and tremendous admiration for the family in the way they've handled this situation. It's great there is such an outcome."

Mr Séamus Mallon, the SDLP MP for Newry and Armagh, said: "I welcome the news that Annetta Flanigan has been released and will be returning to the safety of her family.

"It is my wish that this awful type of activity should end and that no family would have to suffer the torment which so many families have gone through, including the family of Annetta Flanigan."

The Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Robin Eames, said: "With so many who have been praying for her safety and release I am thrilled to know that Annetta Flanigan and her two colleagues are free. This is an answer to prayer.

"The dignity and courage of the Flanigan family during this ordeal has been an inspiration to us all."

The Northern Secretary, Mr Paul Murphy, said: "I was very pleased to hear the news that Annetta Flanigan has been freed. It will be an incredible relief for her family and friends who have been waiting during the 27 days of her captivity for any news.

"I am also delighted that her two United Nations colleagues have been released with her," he said. I hope that Annetta and her colleagues can now begin to put this dreadful experience behind them and carry on with their lives."

In Egypt, the British Foreign Secretary, Mr Jack Straw, said: "I've been in touch with the family over these recent harrowing weeks and I know this will be a tremendous relief for the family who have been almost to hell and back in their anxiety over what had happened to Annetta."