Pair sentenced for attacks on women

Two young men who attacked one woman and then sexually assaulted and robbed another woman on the same night in Cork city have…

Two young men who attacked one woman and then sexually assaulted and robbed another woman on the same night in Cork city have been sentenced to ten years and nine years in jail respectively
Two young men who attacked one woman and then sexually assaulted and robbed another woman on the same night in Cork city have been sentenced to ten years and nine years in jail respectively

Two young men who attacked one woman and then sexually assaulted and robbed another woman on the same night in Cork city have been sentenced to 10 years and nine years in jail respectively with one year suspended on each term.

Judge Patrick Moran said he had to try and ensure that such behaviour was not repeated as he jailed Colin O'Sullivan (20) from Highfield Crescent, Kanturk, Co Cork and Adam Heneghan (19) from Upper Dromore, Dromahane, Co Cork for the two attacks.

"Young women are entitled to go about their business without being harmed, assaulted or viciously assaulted by the likes of you," said Judge Moran who had earlier described the two men as behaving like "blackguards" on the night.

Judge Moran noted the evidence he had heard from Det Garda Ann O'Sullivan how the two men had followed Polish woman Ewelina Oprawska (30) as she walked home alone after work along Dyke Parade and Prospect Row before assaulting her outside the Mercy Hospital.

Heneghan hit her over the head with a bottle but fortunately for her, a heavy hair clip that she was wearing took the brunt of the blow and the two men ran off laughing after a Polish security man in the hospital heard the commotion and came to Ms Oprawska's assistance.

Judge Moran noted that Ms Oprawska had suffered injuries to her head that required treatment at the hospital and gave testimony that her life had changed hugely since the attack including the fact that she and her boyfriend had been forced to leave Cork.

He noted evidence from Det Garda James Bugler about how O'Sullivan and Heneghan then began following a 33-year-old woman past where they were staying on Western Road for over a kilometre to Dennehys Cross where O'Sullivan approached the woman.

He began kissing her and lured her into the church ground where became aggressive. Heneghan hit her on the head with a bottle from behind. He shouted at her to get on the ground and then held her down as O'Sullivan then pulled down her tights and underwear. The assault stopped when the pair realised the woman was trying to use her mobile phone to ring 999. They  took her handbag and stole €50 before fleeing.

Judge Moran noted the attack had an equally traumatic effect on the second woman who had to move house because she had told O'Sullivan where she lived and is now fearful of walking anywhere on her own especially in the hours of darkness.

Informed that neither man had any previous convictions, Judge Moran noted O'Sullivan had been convicted of assault causing harm to Ms Oprawska following a trial and had pleaded guilty to the sexual assault and robbery of the other woman while Heneghan had pleaded guilty to all three counts.

Judge Moran sentenced O'Sullivan to four years for the assault on Ms Oprawska and six years for the sexual assault on the other victim while he sentenced Heneghan to three years for the assault on Ms Oprawska and six years for the second assault.

He suspended the last year of each man's term of imprisonment on condition they be of good behaviour and keep the peace for a period of two years after their release and he also ordered that their names be placed on the sex offenders register for an indefinite period.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times