Pakistan checks militant link to missing reporter

Pakistani police searching for US reporter Mr Daniel Pearl said today they were checking possible links to militant Islamic groups…

Pakistani police searching for US reporter Mr Daniel Pearl said today they were checking possible links to militant Islamic groups but had no idea where he was.

Mr Daniel Pearl Photograph: Reuters

A number of Pakistani and US media organisations received an e-mail yesterday saying the

Wall Street Journal

(WSJ) reporter had been kidnapped in Karachi by a group calling itself The National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty.


The e-mail said Mr Pearl (38) was being kept in inhumane conditions to protest against US treatment of Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"We saw that e-mail message and are looking for this group, but it is relatively unknown to us . . . We are looking at every option," a police official told Reuters.

The e-mail, which accused Mr Pearl of working for the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), included four photographs of the journalist, including one with his wrists chained and a pistol pointed at his head.

Police earlier said they thought the e-mail was a hoax, while the WSJ and CIA have said Mr Pearl never worked for the agency.

A US embassy spokesman in Islamabad said: "We never heard of the group, we've seen news accounts reporting that law authorities dismissed the e-mail as a hoax, but we can't verify its authenticity".

"We remain concerned for his safety. Our consulate in Karachi and embassy in Islamabad continue to co-ordinate closely with Pakistani authorities to resolve the case," he said.