Parents of paedophile victims says files gone

Parents of victims of the paedophile swimming coach, Derry O'Rourke, have alleged that documents and computer files of their …

Parents of victims of the paedophile swimming coach, Derry O'Rourke, have alleged that documents and computer files of their complaints about him are missing from the Irish Amateur Swimming Association offices.O'Rourke was sentenced to 12 years in prison last Friday.A group of concerned parents who met the Minister for Sport, Dr McDaid, and the head of the Irish Sports Council, Mr John Treacy, in Dublin last night demanded an inquiry into the missing files. They said the files documented their concerns about O'Rourke's behaviour before his suspension from a Dublin school in September 1993.Asked about the files, Ms Celia Milane, PRO of the IASA, said: "I would prefer not to talk about anything at all. I would prefer it that we do not talk about administration."The parents also asked the Minister to set up an inquiry into Irish swimming. One parent said they could not say anything about the meeting, but the Minister had been sympathetic to their grievances.Another parent said they wanted an expert to be taken on to see if erased computer files could be retrieved."We want to know exactly what was on the computer. We want to know exactly what letters were removed from the offices and we want to know who removed them. We also want to know why they were removed, although we believe that will become clear once they are retrieved. The organisation must know the answers to these questions," a parent said.Yesterday an IASA statement said: "The IASA is awaiting confirmation of a meeting with the Minister of Sport, Dr McDaid. The national executive, at its meeting on Sunday, expressed the deepest sympathy with victims who had suffered abuse. The national governing body will be prepared to issue a full statement after its meeting with the Minister."

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times