Parents reassured on core funding of schools

THE Minister for Education last night attempted to dispel the fears of Cork parents that the Education Bill would divert badly…

THE Minister for Education last night attempted to dispel the fears of Cork parents that the Education Bill would divert badly needed money away from classrooms.

Ms Breathnach reassured delegates at the annual conference of the National Parents' Council Post Primary that the establishment of 10 regional education boards would ensure that the increasing money available to education would be "targeted at the school and the classroom".

She said: "The Bill specifically says that the first charge on an education board is the funding of schools. Money to fund schools cannot be diverted elsewhere."

The Bill provided that education boards would only be established gradually by a series of Government decisions which would, among other things, "rigorously control their spending".


The council's president, Mr Sean Mitchell, said that parents remained convinced that the education boards would draw valuable resources away from the classroom. He called on the Minister to ensure that the Bill would "not abandon the partnership approach which has underpinned the process so far".

Mr Mitchell added: "Parental participation in education can and does operate at many different levels, from making tea at fund raising events to policy development and formation of curriculum. Full partnership means participation at all appropriate levels."