Passengers insured on CIE 'no fares day'

Passengers using public transport this Friday when CIÉ unions hold a "no fares day" will be covered by insurance, the company…

Passengers using public transport this Friday when CIÉ unions hold a "no fares day" will be covered by insurance, the company confirmed today.

A CIÉ spokesman confirmed to ireland.comthat "in this specific instance" insurance cover would be extended to all users of buses and trains during the protest action and to people in stations.

He said no decision on whether to reduce services on this day would be taken until after tomorrow's meeting. The company has also not yet decided on whether staff involved in the action will be docked a day's pay.

The "no fares day" on Friday, July 18th - a peak travel day - is expected to see Irish Rail, Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann lose a total of at least €1.5 million in revenue.


Ticket inspectors in Dublin Bus, Irish Rail, and Bus Éireann who are union members will not collect or inspect tickets on Friday.

CIÉ unions will meet tomorrow afternoon to finalise their plans.

The action is part of their opposition campaign to the entry of private companies into the Dublin bus market and the break-up of CIÉ into three entities, planned by the Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan.

Mr Brennan intends to open up 25 per cent of the Dublin bus market to competition from January 2004.

The unions have called on Mr Brennan to engage in meaningful dialogue on all the issues and to develop a strategy for the development of public transport services.

This protest is the first in a planned series of actions opposing the Minister's plans.

If the issue remains unresolved, the unions plan a day of protest on Tuesday August 19th and one-day stoppages on September 16th, October 14th and November 18th - all Tuesdays. A two-day strike is also planned for Monday and Tuesday, December 8th and 9th.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times