Patients claim they contracted Hepatitis B

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Board has confirmed it is being sued by a small number of former patients who claim they …

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service Board has confirmed it is being sued by a small number of former patients who claim they contracted the Hepatitis B virus from contaminated blood products, Martin Wall reports.

Hepatitis B is a form of liver disease caused by a different virus to the one which contaminated the anti-D blood products in the 1970s and 1980s.

The contamination of the anti-D products by the Hepatitis C virus led to one of the greatest healthcare scandals in Irish history and resulted in the blood board being sued by 800 women.

The board is also facing legal action from a small number of women who received the anti-D product. They are seeking compensation for upset caused by having to undergo testing for the Hepatitis C virus even though they did not have the condition.


A spokesman told The Irish Times last night the board would be contesting liability in those cases.