PDs still in search of EU election hopeful

The Progressive Democrats have said they are continuing to hold discussions with possible candidates for the European Parliament…

The Progressive Democrats have said they are continuing to hold discussions with possible candidates for the European Parliament election in Dublin, despite growing speculation that they may not now contest the election.

A party spokesman said yesterday that members were "talking to people inside and outside the party" about the matter. However, the party was not committed to running a candidate unless it secured the agreement of a high-profile individual to run.

"We are not running for the sake of running," he said. "We are only interested in running someone with winning potential." Nominations for the elections close on May 17th.

The party has been searching for a Dublin candidate since the prominent deputy and former Minister of State, Ms Liz O'Donnell, announced last month that she would not run.


The Dublin constituency will be among the hardest fought, with a number of high-profile candidates already declared. Fianna Fáil is running Mr Eoin Ryan TD and Dublin Lord Mayor Mr Royston Brady; Fine Gael is running its foreign affairs spokesman, Mr Gay Mitchell TD; Labour is fielding outgoing MEP Mr Proinsias De Rossa and prominent lawyer and political activist Ms Ivana Bacik; the Green Party is running outgoing MEP Ms Patricia McKenna; Sinn Féin is running Ms Mary Lou McDonald; and the Socialist Party leader, Mr Joe Higgins TD, is also standing.

The PDs do not intend to run candidates in any of the other constituencies. They had initially said they wanted to contest in the East constituency, formerly Leinster, but were unable to find a strong candidate.

Last month the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, said a number of party members were willing to stand in Dublin, but the party wanted someone with a realistic prospect of election. He said any prospective candidate who fitted this description should contact the party.

An informed source said last month that two candidates were under consideration, but the party was uncertain if either could secure a seat.