Peace worker in court in Derry

A prominent member of a cross-community peace group in Derry appeared in court yesterday charged with withholding information…

A prominent member of a cross-community peace group in Derry appeared in court yesterday charged with withholding information about an armed robbery at a bar in the Waterside area of the city last Sunday morning.

Ms Catherine Ann Cooke (36), a training officer with Derry's cross-community Peace and Reconciliation Group, who is also a member of the Progressive Unionist Party, was one of three people jointly charged with withholding information about the armed robbery.

The court was told that when charged with the offence, the defendant replied: "I know nothing about the weapon".

Also before the court were Mr Nigel Gardiner (48), a security officer from Erne Gardens, Derry, and Ms Alison Neely (33), a bar worker, also from Milltown View. Neither defendant replied to the charge. All three were remanded in custody until October 19th.