Peak performance raises €400,000 for charity

MORE THAN 500 mountaineering enthusiasts from across the State took part in the annual Four Peaks Challenge at the weekend, raising…

MORE THAN 500 mountaineering enthusiasts from across the State took part in the annual Four Peaks Challenge at the weekend, raising funds for the housing and homeless charity Focus Ireland.

More than €400,000 was raised for the charity when the climbers scaled the highest mountains in each of the four provinces within 36 hours.

Eighty teams took part and each had to raise a minimum of €4,500 sponsorship.

They began the challenge in Co Kerry on Friday afternoon when they climbed Carrauntoohil. The teams then drove to Co Mayo on Saturday to climb Mweelrea and on Saturday evening drivers transferred them to Slieve Donard in Co Down. They got to the summit on Sunday morning before dashing off to Co Wicklow to climb Lugnaquillia.


Focus Ireland has decided to hold another Four Peaks Challenge in September, the first time the event will been staged twice in the same year. That climb will take place over the weekend of September 12th to 14th.

Mark Mellett, fundraising director with Focus Ireland, thanked all who took part at the weekend and all who supported them. "All the teams have had great fun and enjoyed the event while raising money to support Focus Ireland's work with people who are homeless."

There are up to 5,000 people homeless in Ireland at any one time. A small percentage sleep rough while the majority stay in emergency accommodation such as hostels.