Pensioner (97) robbed of Eur30 in his home

Gardaí investigating an aggravated burglary during which a 97- year-old man was robbed are studying CCTV footage taken close …

Gardaí investigating an aggravated burglary during which a 97- year-old man was robbed are studying CCTV footage taken close to the victim's home in an effort to try to identify the thief.

The pensioner was at his home on Church Street, Balbriggan, Co Dublin, on Thursday when a man entered the house and stole money from his pockets.

The man was alone in the house when the intruder knocked on the door at about 5.15 p.m. When it wasn't answered, he got into the house from the rear. Inside he found the pensioner and took €30 from his pockets.

Anybody who saw any unusual or suspicious activity around Church Street between 5 p.m. and 5.40 p.m. is asked to contact Balbriggan Garda station on (01) 802 0510 or the Garda confidential line on 1800-666 111.