Plan to extend marine rescue

Improved search-andres cue on inland waterways can be put in place with no extra expenditure, the Minister for the Marine and…

Improved search-andres cue on inland waterways can be put in place with no extra expenditure, the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources has said. Dr Woods said he intended to put proposals to Government shortly which would extend marine rescue to cover inland lakes and rivers.

The Minister has already made plans to transform the existing Irish Marine Emergency Service (IMES) into a coastguard before the end of this year.

Improvements in communications and the establishment of inland response teams, which would be modelled on marine emergency service coastal units, are key elements of the proposed network, which will rely on existing resources.

The National Safety Council recommended recently that the IMES area of responsibility be extended inland, given the increase in leisure activity on waterways.


Almost 900 vessels are available for hire or used for passenger trips on the Shannon system alone.

Yesterday the Minister met Lieut Cdr Charles Lawn, Inspector of Navigation and Safety for the Shannon, along with interested leisure boat operators.

With about 20,000 vessel movements annually on the river system, the Shannon could serve as a model for every waterway on this island, Dr Woods said.

IMES had already consulted the Inland Waterways Association, local sub-aqua and sailing clubs, the Civil Defence, rescue units, local authorities and fisheries boards.