Politicians jailed over bin tax have legal bill cut

Two Socialist Party politicians jailed for a month last year arising from a protest over bin charges had their legal bills reduced…

Two Socialist Party politicians jailed for a month last year arising from a protest over bin charges had their legal bills reduced by a Taxing Master of the High Court yesterday.

Dublin West TD Mr Joe Higgins and Cllr Clare Daly had objected before Taxing Master Charles Moran to a legal bill for €33,280 served on them by Fingal County Council. In his reserved judgment yesterday, Taxing Master Moran cut the bill to €24,580, to which will be added a further €1,800 stamp duty.

The Taxing Master reduced a solicitor's instruction fee from €12,500 to €9,000. A brief fee for senior counsel was cut from €7,500 to €6,000, while a brief fee for junior counsel was reduced to €4,000 from €5,000.

Mr Higgins said he was unhappy about the fees allowed to counsel. He has the option of bringing a further appeal to the High Court.