Acting Bus Éireann chief warns all jobs could be lost

Ray Hernan is to appear before the Oireachtas committee on Wednesday

Bus Éireann: The acting chief executive said his aim is to seek to protect the maximum number of viable jobs.

Bus Éireann acting chief executive Ray Hernan has said the company will seek to protect the core pay of workers. In a statement to the Oireachtas transport committee, he warned all jobs could be lost if the firm does not act to address its financial losses.

Mr Hernan said his aim is to protect the maximum number of jobs. “To do nothing would mean all of the company, not just Expressway, will go out of business and as a consequence all jobs will be lost,” he said. “This is not scare mongering; this is the stark reality of what this organisation now faces.

“My undertaking to staff is that Bus Éireann will safeguard basic pay and seek to protect the maximum number of viable jobs.

“However, I also want to make it clear that significant opportunities for improved efficiency and cost competitiveness do exist and are within our own control. We are focused on delivering a long-term solution, not a short-term fix.”


Mr Hernan is due to appear before the Oireachtas committee on Wednesday to respond to concerns over the company’s future.

In response to concerns over the continuation of the free travel scheme, Mr Hernan believes introducing an annual fee will not resolve the company’s problems. “Free travel did not cause our problems and an increase in revenues for such services will not fix our problems.”