Arthur Morgan releases letter he wrote to Paudie McGahon

In the letter dated April 27th 2009, Mr Morgan said he hoped Mr McGahon would contact gardaí about his allegations

Former Sinn Féin TD Arthur Morgan has released a letter he says he sent in 2009 to Louth man Paudie McGahon, who told BBC Spotlight he was raped by an IRA man. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Former Sinn Féin TD Arthur Morgan has released a letter he says he sent in 2009 to Louth man Paudie McGahon, who told BBC Spotlight he was raped by an IRA man.

Mr McGahon said he brought the allegations to the attention of Sinn Féin councillor Pearse McGeough seven years earlier, in 2002.

In the letter dated April 27th, 2009, Mr Morgan, who represented Louth until 2011, said he hoped Mr McGahon would contact An Garda Síochána about his allegations.

“Thank you for your representations in respect of allegations of sex abuse at your former home,” the letter states.


“I would like to confirm my strong advice to you to make a formal complaint to the gardaí about these allegations. They are the competent authority to investigate these matters and, if a case can be constructed, to bring it before the courts.”

Mr Morgan wrote in the letter, on Dáil notepaper, that such a complaint to the gardaí would also trigger the involvement of Social Services, as well as other services of the Health Services Executive.

“Again, I wish to assure you of my full support and that of my colleague, Councillor Pearse McGeough at all times, including accompanying you to the gardaí if that would be helpful,” he said.

“Hoping you will follow this course and that these matters can be dealt with appropriately.”

Mr McGahon has alleged he was raped at his family home in Co Louth by a senior IRA member when he was 17.

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin MP for Mid Ulster Francie Molloy apologised to Paudie McGahon and other victims of abuse on Wednesday “for any offence” caused by a tweet he sent on Tuesday night.

“I hope that justice is served and the appropriate support delivered to Mr McGahon,” said Mr Molloy.

“Sinn Féin’s priority is to support victims of abuse whether that abuse is historical or contemporary and we will support victims in their efforts to get truth and justice,” he said.

“There is a currently a Garda investigation into these allegations. These matters are best dealt with in the justice system rather than trial by television and it is my hope that justice will be done,” added Mr McGahon.

Earlier, Belfast woman Maíria Cahill criticised Mr Molloy for what she said was an “insensitive, crass and vile statement”.

Ms Cahill said Mr Molloy had used his twitter account on Tuesday night to write: “Another load of rubbish on spotlight tonight. Joint Indo bluesh.. production”.

The tweet was subsequently removed.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times