Bertie Ahern visits Iran to encourage more co-operation with Europe

Former taoiseach was invited by Iranian labour minister Ali Rabiei

Former taoiseach Bertie Ahern has arrived in Tehran to speak about increasing economic co-operation between Iran and Europe.

Mr Ahern, who stood down as taoiseach in 2008, was invited by Iranian labour minister Ali Rabiei.

The state Fars news agency reported Mr Ahern was leading a delegation due to hold talks with senior Iranian officials, representatives of the private sector as well as investment companies.

Iran has been trying to improve relations with the West since it and major world powers reached agreement over the state's nuclear programme in November 2013. In recent months it has re-established some diplomatic relations with the United States following more than 30 years of isolation coinciding with the rule of Ayatollah Khomeini.


Mr Ahern has done some public speaking and consultative work since his departure from front-line politics in 2008 (he retired from the Dáil in 2011). However, he faced widespread criticism after the banking and financial collapse for the expansionary policies pursued by the government during his time as taoiseach.

Asked in an interview last week if he would participate in the Oireachtas banking inquiry, he said he would if asked. He said it seemed fair enough so far but added: "If it's not finished by the autumn then I think it just loses any kind of relevance."

It is not known how long Mr Ahern will stay in Iran. He could not be contacted for comment last night.

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times