Charlie Flanagan defends vote on China’s rights record

Worries that Irish vote at UN Human Rights Council will affect beef trade with China

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan: “Committed to further building . . . relationship with China.” Photograph: Bryan O’Brien

A vote by Ireland at the United Nations Human Rights Council condemning China's human rights record was "entirely consistent" with European Union policy, said Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan.

Mr Flanagan released a statement yesterday after The Irish Times reported the Government had been warned by the Chinese authorities that a vote at the UNHRC could have consequences for a multimillion- euro beef trade deal.

Ireland last month supported a motion at the UNHRC from the United States "highlighting China's ongoing problematic human rights record", such as detentions, the unexplained disappearance of people and the "apparent coerced returns of Chinese and foreign citizens from outside mainland China".

"We call upon China to uphold its laws and its international commitments, and we support the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights' call to release all rights activists, civil society leaders, and lawyers detained for peacefully exercising their freedom of expression or for lawfully practising their profession," it said.


Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney this week told the Cabinet his department had been contacted by the Chinese government expressing concern about the vote. Mr Flanagan also spoke on the issue at Cabinet.

Mr Coveney has previously said the lifting of the Chinese ban on Irish beef imports was a “vast opportunity” for Irish farmers.

He estimated Irish beef exports to China could be worth well over €100 million even in the short term.

China banned EU beef imports over mad cow disease, or BSE, 16 years ago, but an announcement that the ban was being lifted for Irish beef came in the past year.

A senior Government source said the UNHRC vote “may have consequences” for the beef deal trumpeted as a major Irish achievement.

While optimism was still expressed, sources said it was feared the incident could have “implications” and was not helpful as moves to lift the ban are being finalised.

Irish figures said the email had come from a “mid-ranking” Chinese official and was assessed by the Department of Agriculture, but Government sources expressed concern.

In a statement yesterday, Mr Flanagan said: “No explicit linkage has been drawn by the Chinese authorities between this motion and the progress of Ireland’s application for beef access.

“The Government remains wholly committed to further building on our strong bilateral relationship with China.”

Mr Flanagan added that the position taken by Ireland at the UNHRC was “wholly consistent with EU policy in relation to China”.

“It is consistent also with our national position on global human rights issues articulated repeatedly at the UN,” he added.

“Ireland enjoys warm and positive bilateral relations with China and maintains open and respectful dialogue on all issues.

"Through the Chinese embassy in Dublin and the Irish Embassy in Beijing and our consulates in Shanghai and Hong Kong we work closely together to promote partnerships in a range of areas including trade, tourism, culture and education."