Coalition claims it has completed nine out of 10 objectives

Burton says choice in election is simple; stablity and progress or chaos and crisis

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Tanaiste Joan Burton arrive to speak to media on progress made in relation to the Agreed Programme for Government at Government Buildings. Photograph: Collins

The Government on Monday published its final progress report in which it claimed almost all action items set out in the revised programme for Government issued last July had been achieved.

This plan was published shortly after Joan Burton took over as Labour Party leader and set out a list of objectives for the remainder of the Government's term in office.

The Coalition leaders said on Monday they had completed 93 per cent of the items promised in the programme for Government.

Ms Burton said the choice in the forthcoming general election would be simple - to continue with a coalition of Fine Gael and her party or face chaos.


She said the Coalition had brought “stability, growth and balanced government”.

The alternative was "to take a gamble on Fianna Fáil, who caused the crisis in the first place, andSinn Féin, who would return us there in no time".

“They have no interest in, or intention of, being in government.”

“They are two parties auditioning to beat each other so that they can lead the Opposition.In doing so, they are putting party posturing ahead of the national interest.Nobody can accuse Labour of doing that,” Ms Burton said.

The report lists the “ highlights” achieved since the plan was published including improving housing availability and affordability, rebuilding trust in politics and public institutions and delivering better living and working standards.

The piece makes no reference to the 7 per cent of items that it has failed to deliver.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said : “Yes, the progress is good and welcome. But is it enough? No.

“For some families there is still too much anxiety, too much worry about making ends meet.

“Unemployment, while falling, still remains too high. Our public finances are still not fully repaired. Our public services and infrastructure need more investment,” he said.

"But at the same time, because of the way our plan has worked, there is a new optimism," Mr Kenny said.