All three of the seats in Cork North-West were filled in one fell swoop during the fifth and final count on Sunday evening.
Each of the incumbent TDs – Michael Creed (FG), Michael Moynihan (FF) and Aindrias Moynihan (FF) – managed to retain their seats. There was therefore no surprise shake-up for the constituency, although Fine Gael had hoped to capture a second seat.
The party’s John Paul O’Shea was eliminated in the constituency after the fourth count.

Transfers from Aontú candidate Becky Kealy, eliminated in the third count, were kinder to Ciarán McCarthy of the Social Democrats. He received 2,161 transfers after the first-time candidate was eliminated.
Ms Kealy, from Kanturk, earlier said she was relatively happy with her result.
“I was only selected as an Aontú candidate back in September, we’re only one year old in our party and I’m after coming out at around 7.5 per cent. I had 3,877 first-preference votes, which is massive,” she said.
Count three saw a large transfer of votes from eliminated Green Party candidate Colette Finn to Mr McCarthy. He received 1,677 votes following her elimination in count two.
Ms Finn's elimination followed the redistribution of votes from Tara Nic Domhnaill of the Irish Freedom Party and Independent Seán O'Leary.
Candidates: Michael Creed (FG), Colette Finn (GP), Becky Kealy (Aontú), Ciarán McCarthy (Soc Dem), Aindrias Moynihan (FF), Michael Moynihan (FF), John Paul O'Shea (FG), Seán O'Leary (Independent), Tara Nic Domhnaill (Irish Freedom Party)