Creighton says Renua will do ‘a lot better’ than 2% in election

Party’s low rating in Irish Times/IPSOS MRBI poll does not ‘reflect where we are’

Lucinda Creighton: said Renua achieved 10 per cent of vote in its sole electoral contest to date. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has insisted the party will perform better than its 2 per cent poll rating.

The latest Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll indicated Renua's support was on a par with the Social Democrats, the Green Party and the People Before Profit/ Anti-Austerity Alliance (PBP/AAA). Ms Creighton said the party would do "a lot better than that" in the general election.

“We have only had one electoral contest in Carlow- Kilkenny, and in that contest we achieved 10 per cent of the vote, so I think that the figure we are seeing in national polls doesn’t really reflect where we are,” she said.

She reiterated Renua’s refusal to enter coalition with Sinn Féin and claimed it was clear Sinn Féin’s decisions were being made by the IRA army council. She also ruled out coalition with PBP/AAA.