Dáil business delayed by 40 minutes as not enough TDs present

TDs rebuked by Ceann Comhairle who said it was an ‘unprecedented event’

Ceann Comhairle Sean Ó Fearghaíl has reminded TDs of their responsibilities after an 'unprecedented event' when fewer than 20 members required for a quorum were in attendance in the Dáil.

TDs were rebuked today by Ceann Comhairle Sean Ó Fearghaíl after the start of Dáil business was delayed for 40 minutes until the 20 members required for a quorum were found.

Mr Ó Fearghaíl described it as “a pretty unprecedented event’’.

“I think some people need to be aware of the responsibilities they have in order to be here in the chamber when legislation is to be discussed,’’ he added.

“I would say to those who look for more time to discuss legislation to be conscious of the fact that when the time is provided, there is a responsibility on those people to be present.’’


Particular responsibility

Mr Ó Fearghaíl said there was a particular responsibility on those who had formal responsibility for ensuring attendance that it actually happened.

Fianna Fáil public expenditure spokesman Dara Calleary, in a reference to Government Chief Whip Regina Doherty, said he understood "the person charged with business was on her local radio station talking about the Fine Gael leadership''.

That was a matter for Fine Gael, but when it impinged on the business of the House it was not good enough, he added.

Labour TD Joan Burton said Ms Doherty should apologise to the House for the delay.

TDs, including from Fianna Fáil, were present in significant numbers, she said. “I do think an apology is due,’’ she added.

Ms Burton said "new politics'' were abused words and the Dáil's failure to have a quorum to start business was an example of it at its worst.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times