Eamon Ryan appeared to be asleep in Dáil as vote on lower-paid workers called

Green Party leader and minister did not respond when his name was called twice

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan was caught dozing during a Dáil vote.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan appeared to be asleep when a vote was called on legislation relating to lower-paid jobs.

The clerk of the Dáil called Mr Ryan, the Minister for Climate Action, Communications Networks and Transport twice, but both times he did not respond.

Footage appears to show him asleep in the Dáil.

He was woken up by the newly appointed chief whip Jack Chambers.


Other deputies can be heard laughing as Mr Chambers called to Mr Ryan to wake up.

Mr Ryan was caught sleeping during a private members motion brought by the Social Democrats which sought to strengthen the rights of worker during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Ryan voted against the motion which was opposed by the Government and defeated.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times