Fine Gael refused to back down on abortion convention in Independent talks

Independents insisted Dáil was most appropriate place to address Eighth Amendment

Independent TDs Mattie McGrath was one of the Independents who insisted the Dáil chamber, and not the citizens’ convention was the most appropriate place to address the Eighth Amendment. Photograph: Collins

The Programme for Partnership commits to establishing a citizens’ convention to examine the Eighth Amendment.

The proposal was a key pledge in the Fine Gael manifesto but was objected to by a number of Independent TDs including Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath, Cork South-West TD Michael Collins, and Galway West TD Noel Grealish during negotiations on the formation of government.

The three TDs insisted the Dáil chamber was the most appropriate place to address the Eighth Amendment.

However, Minister for Health Leo Varadkar and Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald are said to have insisted, in the meetings, the establishment of a citizens' convention was Fine Gael policy and it would not be removed from the document.


‘Not changing’

A Fine Gael source said: “They tried everything to get it out but we pushed back. This was our party policy and we were not changing, no matter what.”

Dublin South-West TD Katherine Zappone and Waterford TD John Halligan also declared they would not support a Fine Gael-led minority government if the issue was not addressed in the final programme.

The programme for partnership confirms a citizens’ convention will examine a number of social issues including the Eighth Amendment.

Equal right to life

If the convention proposes a change in the constitutional article, which gives equal right of life to the mother and child, Fine Gael and

Fianna Fáil

TDs will be allowed a free vote.

According to the National Women’s Council at least 59 members of the new Dáil are in favour of repealing the Eighth Amendment.

A large number of both the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael parties are said to be supportive about allowing for abortion in the case of fatal foetal abnormalities, rape and incest.

Sinn Féin and the Labour Party are in favour of a repealing or a replacing the amendment. A number of Independent TDs including Dublin Fingal TD Clare Daly, Wexford TD Mick Wallace, and Dublin South-Central TD Joan Collins will also back the change, as will the Green Party and the Anti-Austerity Alliance-People before Profit Alliance.