Finian McGrath ‘open to third rate of tax’ as part of Independent deputies’ alliance

Discussions at ‘early stages’ says Dublin TD

Independent Deputy Finian McGrath has said he would be open to a third rate of tax for high earners. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons / THE IRISH TIMES

Independent Deputy Finian McGrath has said he would be open to a third rate of tax for high earners.

The Dublin North-Central deputy, who is to join with other independent Dáil deputies to form an alliance ahead of the next election, said an alliance would have to be prepared to take tough decisions.

“If you have a scenario where people are very ill or people are on trolleys or chairs and where children haven’t got proper services the first thing you don’t do is start cutting the top rate of tax for the wealthier sectors of society and this is what this Government has done in the last budget,” he said.

Discussions about an Independent alliance were at the early stages, he said. The principles were coming together and the group needed to develop “a number of other options”.


Speaking on RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland, Mr McGrath said he would always see himself as left of centre. He saw an alliance as an opportunity to deliver on the policies he believed in, in relation to health, disability, cystic fibrosis and education as well as “supporting creative ideas and jobs and developing a sustainable economy”.

“We all have this kind of common platform,” he said.

“Of course we come from different backgrounds; I come from a community voluntary sector, but we also have learnt that we can hammer out and agree on issues.”

The alliance had “40 to 50 young, fresh councillors”, he said, and needed to build up numbers.

Last night, Independent TD for Roscommon South-Leitrim Michael Fitzmaurice said he would be joining the alliance, announced by Independent TD for Dublin South, Shane Ross.

Mr Fitzmaurice was elected in October in a by-election for Luke ’Ming’ Flanagan’s vacated seat.

He said Mr Ross was a “very reasonable guy” and said he believed they could work together.

Mr Fitzmaurice said he has been talking to people interested in running for the party from around the country including the west and midlands.

He told RTÉ’s Prime Time they hope to have at least one candidate with a shot at a seat in every constituency in the next general election.

Former Reform Alliance member and Independent TD for Roscommon South- Leitrim, Denis Naughten also said he was interested in joining the alliance.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist