Independent Alliance to seek free vote on abortion repeal bill

Group previously got into row with Government partners Fine Gael over vote on issue

Independent Alliance Ministers Finian McGrath and Shane Ross who broke ranks with the Government on the last private members bill on abortion to come before the Dáil. Photograph Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

The Independent Alliance has agreed to seek a free vote on a motion to allow for a referendum of repealing the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits abortion in the State.

The Dáil will next week debate a motion from the Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit calling on the Government to hold a referendum to remove the amendment.

At a meeting on Tuesday evening, the alliance’s five TDs confirmed they would be informing Taoiseach Enda Kenny they require a free vote on the issue.

It had been reported that the alliance had agreed to support the Government and would vote against the motion.


The decision to seek a free vote is likely to create further tensions in Government.

Fine Gael has said the Citizens’ Assembly, which began last week and will examine questions including whether or not the Eighth Amendment should be repealed, is the best means to decide on the issue.

The Alliance secured a free vote on a similar motion in the Dáil earlier this year, arguing that its members had backed similar initiatives previously. The move led to a row with Fine Gael over adherence to the concept of collective Cabinet responsibility. However, the alliance opposes a whip being imposed in votes.

Independent Alliance Ministers Shane Ross, John Halligan and Finian McGrath voted in favour of allowing for abortions in the cases of fatal foetal abnormalities.

The Bill, introduced by Independents 4 Change TD Mick Wallace, was defeated in the Dáil, however, by 95 votes to 45.

Ms Zappone voted with Fine Gael on the issue, while Fianna Fáil allowed an open vote and five of its TDs voted in favour of the Bill.