Joan Burton: I will serve full term as Labour chief if re-elected

Tánaiste admits Dublin West constituency battle in election will be ‘total dog fight’

Labour leader Joan Burton and party colleagues at the launch of Labour’s Standing Up For Families childcare plan. The Tánaiste said she would serve the full five-year term as party leader if she retains her seat in Dublin West in the general election. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Tánaiste Joan Burton has insisted she will remain as leader of the Labour Party for a full second term if re-elected.

Speaking on Newstalk on Wednesday afternoon, Ms Burton said she would serve the full five-year term if she retains her seat in Dublin West.

‘Total dog fight’

She admitted the constituency battle would be a “total dog fight”, but was confident she would be re-elected.

She said as long as she had her health and enjoyed the position, and could make a contribution, she would stay in the role.


“If I am re-elected I will serve my full term as leader of the Labour Party.”

Ms Burton was appointed leader of the party in 2014 after Eamon Gilmore stepped down.

When asked if she aspired to be taoiseach, she said she hoped she would be in that position.

Speaking earlier on Wednesday, Ms Burton denied she was hiding deputy party leader Alan Kelly from the media spotlight.

The Tánaiste said: “The person who would seek to hide Alan - that would be a challenging job.”