John McGuinness allowed to say he will vote No, Fianna Fáil says

Party comments after TD confirms position on same-sex marriage referendum

Fianna Fáil TD John McGuinness. The party has said that Mr McGuinness has broken no rules by stating that he will vote No in the same-sex marriage referendum. File photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

John McGuinness has broken no rules by confirming he will vote No in the same-sex marriage referendum, Fianna Fáil has said.

The party's justice spokesman Niall Collins said the Carlow-Kilkenny TD was honest about his decision.

Mr Collins said there were many more out there who might not have given such a honest answer.

Mr Collins said: “John was asked a question. He made his position clear.


“He has also said he is not campaigning in relation to it and that is as far as it goes.

“We as a party are advocating a Yes vote. He is being upfront and honest. He hasn’t broken any party rule in that regard.”

Mr Collins urged all Fianna Fáil members and supporters across the country to back the referendum.

He said it was party position to call for a Yes vote and to actively canvass for one.