Martin complains to Ceann Comhairle over Dáil reforms

FF leaders says it’s unfair his party gets same speaking time as other Opposition parties

Micheál Martin has also taken issue with the late-night sittings over the past number of weeks. Photograph: Alan Betson

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin has complained to the Ceann Comhairle about a number of the Dáil reform measures.

In correspondence seen by The Irish Times, Mr Martin said it is unfair that his party is allocated the same speaking time as other Opposition parties.

He said the current allocation is not proportionate to the number of elected representatives and “subsumes many hours of parliamentary debate unneccessarily”.

"I do not think it is fair when the Dáil is doing statements that I as Leader of the main opposition party get the same time allocated as Sinn Féin, Labour, Social Democrats, Green Party, AAA or PBP as well as other groupings," he said.


Mr Martin has also taken issue with the late-night sittings over the past number of weeks.

He outlined his concerns to the Dáil last week and has again vocalised them in correpondance to the Ceann Comhairle.

Under current measures the Dáil does not sit on a Wednesday or Thursday morning to allow committees to sit.

Mr Martin said early morning slots should be utilised and time should not be allocated on the graveyard shift.

He wrote: “Members of all parties seem to favour utilising the earlier slot when possible.

“They are also genuinely concerned about the backlog that is going to appear very shortly as a result of the pre-legislative scrutiny that is now required.”

Mr Martin also raises concern about the decision to hear two different Private Members’ motions a week.

He asks that the Ceann Comhairle consider the impact of the sessions.