Oireachtas returns from Christmas break for first 2016 session

Business to be taken up by flooding as current Dáil enters final weeks

Tánaiste Joan Burton will take questions at 2.20pm, opening the first session of 2016. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Dáil Éireann returns today after its Christmas break with TDs readying themselves for the general election which is expected to take place some time next month.

The first session of 2016 starts at 2.30pm when Tánaiste Joan Burton takes questions. Topical issues are up at 3.45pm while Leaders Questions will be taking place at 4.33pm.

The rest of the Dáil day will be taken up by flooding. Statements begin at 5.20pm and conclude at 11pm.

In the Seanad there will be two hours of statements on Innovation 2020 while Private Members Business will see Fianna Fáil Senators calling for the abolitio of Irish Water.


The joint Education and Social Protection committee meeting will also discuss household flooding while the joint Publin Service Oversight and Petitions committee will discuss public petitions received.