Ross awaiting legal advice on OCI Olympic Games ticket inquiry

Minister tells Dáil he is disposed to publishing the report as early as possible

Minister for Sport Shane Ross: ‘the matters at issue are complex’

Minister for Sport Shane Ross has said he is awaiting advice on the Moran report on the Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) ticketing process from the office of the Attorney General.

The investigation was ordered by the Minister following controversy surrounding ticket distribution by the OCI at last year's Olympic Games in Brazil.

Mr Ross said one of the parties referred to in the report had raised legal matters by way of letters to him, former minister of state Patrick O’Donovan and the office of the Attorney General.

“These matters relate to due process and natural justice and reference is made to a number of points of Brazilian law,’’ he added.


He said it had been considered prudent to seek independent legal advice from Brazil.

“When that independent advice is received, expected in the coming days, the Attorney General’s office should be in a position to finalise its advice,’’ he added.

Mr Ross said the timing of the report’s publication would be subject to consideration of the legal advice.

“While I accept the inquiry has taken longer than expected, anticipated or wished, the matters at issue are complex,’’ he added.

The Minister was replying to Fianna Fáil spokesman Robert Troy, who had asked why there was such a long delay in publishing the report.

Mr Ross said while a thorough and deliberative approach was required, he was disposed to publication of the report at the earliest possible date.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times