Taoiseach should explain ‘new politics’ to Seanad, says Kevin Humphreys

Labour Senator claims public see it as ‘reckless and sometimes shady’

Senator Kevin Humphreys said: “We now have a Government with no politics or agenda.” Photograph: Davd Sleator

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has demanded the Taoiseach come before the House next week to explain what he means by "new politics".

“The public sees it as reckless and sometimes shady,’’ said Mr Humphreys.

He said Ministers had avoided adhering to the principle of collective cabinet responsibility when they voted for an Opposition Bill on abortion that the Attorney General said was unconstitutional.

“Officeholders have stated they do not care what is in the Constitution and that they will vote for legislation even if it is in breach of it.”


Mr Humphreys said some Ministers were not carrying out the functions of their office because sufficient powers had not been transferred to them since the Government’s formation.

The Eighth Amendment, he added, had been “kicked’’ to the citizens’ assembly, and water charges were going to a commission. And discussion on a school admissions policy had been put back for a year.

“We now have a Government with no politics or agenda,’’ said Mr Humphreys. “We have a responsibility in this House to debate, discuss and advise the Taoiseach on what we believe politics to be.’’

Mr Humphreys said politics should be about moving the country on for its citizens rather than hanging on to office without power.

He said a serious discussion was needed with the Taoiseach on the issue, as well as on the attitude of the Government to the Constitution.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times