PAC asks for cost analysis to be provided before inquiries established

Fine Gael TD John Deasy says there should not be a blank cheque given to the inquiries

Fine Gael TD John Deasy said the public had a right to know how much the commissions would cost before their establishment. Photograph: Cyril Byrne/The Irish Times

The Public Accounts Committee is to request the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform provide a detailed cost analysis before a commission of inquiry is established.

The Dáil committee discussed the cost of the inquiries by Mr Justice Niall Fennelly into recording of telephone calls and Mr Justice Brian Cregan investigating transactions at the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation.

Fine Gael TD John Deasy said the public had a right to know how much the commissions would cost before their establishment.

He said if an extension is required a cost analysis should also be provided.


Mr Deasy said there should not be a blank cheque given to the inquiries.

The Fine Gael TD’s proposition was supported by the members.

Sinn Féin TD Mary Lou McDonald said the committee must put on record it does not want to impede or halt the work of either commission.

However she agreed it was necessary costs became known to the taxpayer.

Chairman of the committee John McGuinness said the PAC clerk would now write to the Department to request the cost of the inquiries to date.

He said it was essential the committee and the general public were made aware of the spend at all times.