Plan for Dún Laoghaire crematorium withdrawn

Councillor ends motion to include facility in development plan due to lack of support

Residents opposed the cremation proposal for lands at Ballycorus in Kilternan, Dublin. File photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

A motion to include Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s first crematorium in the council’s development plan has been withdrawn by the councillor who put it forward.

Members of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown county council held their February meeting on Wednesday night to vote on the county development plan.

Renewed attempts to build Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown’s first crematorium are being fought by residents after the original plans were rejected by An Bord Pleanála.

A motion that would allow for its inclusion as a “special local objective” (SLO) in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown development plan, was due to be considered on Wednesday.


Fine Gael councillor for Glencullen-Sandyford Neale Richmond said he withdrew the motion at Wednesday night’s meeting because “there wasn’t support”.

Cllr Richmond, who tabled the original SLO motion last October, said previous efforts to build the crematorium were defeated on zoning grounds and that its provision would be an important addition to the county.

Supporters say the facility is an essential addition to the area with cremation becoming an increasingly popular and more affordable alternative to traditional burial.

It relates to lands at Ballycorus in Kilternan, Dublin, adjacent to a new cemetery currently under development.

However, the proposal is unpopular with the local community and was refused planning permission in 2012 as it was in contravention of local zoning. It successfully withstood a subsequent High Court challenge.