Richard Bruton denies €250,000 jobs plan is a PR exercise

‘If even 12 people get back to work as a result of this that would pay for itself’

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton said was a year-long awareness campaign.

A senior Minister has denied that the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is a public relations exercise.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton was speaking at the launch of a €250,000 awareness campaign with a website which aims to provide information about Government supports available to start-ups and SMEs.

“We’re spending €250,000 on this promotion. If even 12 people get back to work as a result of this that would pay for itself,” Mr Bruton said.

The Minister said more than 80 “significant” Government supports were available to assist in starting and growing businesses, but Irish start-ups and SMEs had low awareness of such schemes.


“That is why we are putting real resources behind, a year-long awareness campaign,” he said.

“Every job created is a life back on track, as well as providing the increase in tax revenue we need in order to create a better country for people to live in.”

Mr Bruton said small businesses could get help with exporting, going online, recruiting and accessing finance.

“It’s entrepreneurs who create employment, not Government. But we’ve to offer supports and create the environment where they can succeed.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times