SF ends equal-pay policy for MLAs and staff at Stormont

Party traditionally paid about £26,000 to all staff but claims new pay rules forcing change

Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness of Sinn Féin addresses the Northern Ireland Assembly in Stormont, Belfast, last week. Photograph: William Cherry/Presseye/PA Wire

Sinn Féin has ended its long-standing equal pay policy for party workers in Northern Ireland, claiming new financial regulations at Stormont have rendered the practice impossible.

The party has traditionally paid the average industrial wage - currently about £26,000 (€33,700) - to all its staff in Northern Ireland, be they elected representatives or office workers.

While its 28 MLAs will continue to get that wage - with the rest of their salaries diverted to central party funds - about 70 of its Assembly staff are now set for a pay cut.

The party claims new rules introduced by the body that sets pay and expenses at Stormont - the Independent Financial Review Panel (IFRP) - has forced the change in policy.


Under the latest IFRP report published in March, a banded salary scale has been introduced for staff employed by the parties.

The employees will also now be paid directly by the Assembly, rather than as a proportion of an individual MLA’s total office costs allowance.

Many Sinn Féin staffers have been angered by the determination on pay cuts and other related changes to their employment conditions, and it is anticipated some will leave their jobs before the new Assembly gets up and running.

A Sinn Féin spokesman said: “Sinn Féin has had a long-standing wage policy to ensure all full-time staff and elected representatives are treated equally with regard to pay.

“This was done with the goodwill of all involved and in accordance with the rules of the various institutions, and in compliance with all legal obligations.

“Recent changes in the northern Assembly mean this is no longer possible.

“We are implementing the new regulations set down by the Independent Financial Review Panel.

“We have concerns about the implications of these regulations for workers’ terms and conditions including maternity/paternity and sick leave.”

Press Association