Social Democrats plan national health service

Party will launch its proposals today including the abolition of water charges

Catherine Murphy TD. The Social Democrats will base their manifesto on three pillars – tackling corruption, responsible economics and health

The Social Democrats are to propose abolishing the HSE and establishing a national health service in their general election manifesto.

The party will launch its proposals today including the abolition of water charges, introduction of 12 months paid parental leave and a commitment to repeal the eighth amendment of the Constitution.

It will not propose any reduction in taxes, insisting any money should be invested in services. The party, headed by Catherine Murphy, Róisín Shortall and Stephen Donnelly, will base its manifesto on three pillars – tackling corruption, responsible economics and health.

The Social Democrats propose establishing a national health service on a phased basis, mirroring the UK system.


It would initially focus on ensuring there was more care in the community and seek to end the current two-tier system.