Taoiseach had ‘no hand’ in securing €20,000 for his local cycling club

Islandeady club in Co Mayo defends health project funding, saying members lost 105 stone

Some have queried why Islandeady Cycling Club, near Castlebar, is one of the 120 organisations which will receive part of €2.7 million in Lottery grants from the Department of Health

A Mayo-based cycling club, of which Taoiseach Enda Kenny is an honorary member, put a favourable spin on Tuesday on the news it is to receive €20,000 from a fund earmarked for health projects.

Eyebrows have been raised over the fact that Islandeady Cycling Club, near Castlebar, has been named as one of the 120 organisations which will receive a total of €2.7 million in Lottery grants from the Department of Health.

However, Pádraig Horkan, public relations officer of the club, which has more than 100 full-time members, staunchly defended the allocation, insisting there’s “nothing irregular” about it.

Mr Horkan said the Taoiseach, a cycling enthusiast, had “no hand, act, or part” in the funding application and had not been consulted about it.


In his submission to the HSE for funding, Mr Horkan outlined the huge benefits the cycling club brings to the wider community from its base at Jack’s Cottage, a 19th century farmstead, in the townland of Derrycoorane.

Enda Kenny visits

“We are delivering on providing better health,” Mr Horkan said. “Cumulatively, our 105 members lost 150 stone – 1.5 stone each – by participating in weekly club activities such as cycle rides, pilates and spinning.”

Mr Horkan said the €20,000 funding will enable the club to provide “proper exercise equipment” at its base.

“At the moment members that spin have to bring their own bikes and turboframes with them, ” he said.

Mr Kenny, who was brought up in the townland of Derrycoosh, avails of club facilities whenever possible. He was made an honorary club member, at the instigation of the club, last year.

Mild criticism of the €20,000 allocation was voiced on Tuesday by Cllr Michael Kilcoyne, a member of HSE West,

He suggested the Taoiseach’s home parish of Islandeady had been favoured from a financial point of view while other Mayo sporting clubs, who are “screaming for funding”, have been left wanting.

“I am not begrudging Islandeady the money but other Mayo sporting organisations deserve a slice of the cake also,” he said.