Timeline: How Covid-19 measures will be eased, according to latest plan

April 12th will see easing of 5km restrictions while golf and tennis set for April 26th return

Tennis could resume on April 26th. Photograph: Zac Goodwin/PA Wire
Tennis could resume on April 26th. Photograph: Zac Goodwin/PA Wire

April 12th

* The 5km travel restriction is to be changed to a county-wide limit and people will also be able to travel up to 20km from their home, including across a county boundary.

* Outdoor social meet-ups involving two households will be allowed in public places but not people’s gardens.

* There will be a full return to school for all children, including first- to transition-year second-level students who are still not back in classrooms.

* About 14,000 construction workers involved in building houses and childcare facilities will be able to return to sites.


April 19th

* GAA inter-county training for senior teams can resume.

* High performing athletes in other sports will be able to return to training if approved by Sport Ireland.

April 26th

* Non-contact sporting activities like golf and tennis can resume.

* Training sessions in other sports will be allowed in pods of 15 for those aged under 18.

* Dance classes will be allowed outdoors.

* Zoos, wildlife parks and heritage sites can reopen but not amusement parks.

* An increase in the maximum attendance at funerals from 10 to 25.


Consideration will be given to the following measures ahead of May 4th:

* Allowing museums and galleries to open.

* A phased return of non-essential retail, starting with click-and-collect services and outdoor retailers like garden centres/nurseries.

* Hairdressers and barbers and other personal services reopening on a staggered basis.

* The full reopening of construction activities.

* Recommencement of regular religious services on a staggered basis.


* Hotels, B&Bs and guest houses may be allowed reopen after a review at the end of May.

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn

Cormac McQuinn is a Political Correspondent at The Irish Times

Jennifer Bray

Jennifer Bray

Jennifer Bray is a former Irish Times journalist