Young people reminded to register to vote before annual update of register

National Youth Council of Ireland is urging them to make sure they have registered before deadline on November 25th

While there are no pending elections in the near future, anyone unregistered must meet that deadline to be included in the annual revision of the register. Photograph: Getty Images

Young people have been reminded to register to vote before an annual update of the register on Wednesday.

The National Youth Council of Ireland – it represents organisations working with over 380,000 young people nationwide – is urging them to make sure they have registered before the deadline on Wednesday, November 25th.

"One of the privileges of living in a democracy is the right to have a say in who represents us at local level and who governs us at national level," said deputy director James Doorley.

“We only get the chance to have our say every four or five years in general elections, so it is important that all citizens, especially young people who have recently gained that right, make sure they can exercise their franchise by being registered to vote in time, and we strongly recommend they do so on or before the upcoming deadline.”


While there are no pending elections in the near future, anyone unregistered must meet that deadline to be included in the annual revision of the register.

Those intending to do so must fill out the requisite form, and submit it to the relevant local authority.

Anyone unsure of their voting status can check online at

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times