Post mortem under way on body of Meath infant

A post mortem examination on the body of an infant found in a disused shed in Co Meath yesterday is taking place at Our Lady'…

A post mortem examination on the body of an infant found in a disused shed in Co Meath yesterday is taking place at Our Lady's Hospital in Navan by the deputy State Pathologist Dr Michael Curtis.

A Garda spokesman said results of the post mortem may not be made public.

Gardaí preserved the scene of the discovery which was made shortly after 4pm one mile from the village of Kildalkey on the Athboy road by a local man who was working a nearby building site.

The body, which had been wrapped in blankets, is reported locally to have been in a state of decomposition.


The scene at Kildalkey outside Trim has been preserved. The age and sex of the baby has not been established.