Priest fails to have case stopped

An application by a priest for an order to prevent 21 charges against him of indecent assault and indecent conduct from going…

An application by a priest for an order to prevent 21 charges against him of indecent assault and indecent conduct from going ahead was rejected by the High Court yesterday. The priest is charged with sexual offences against four males on dates between the 1970s and early 1980s. All four were school pupils at the time.

He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges and claims that such a period of time has elapsed since the most recent of the offences alleged against him that a fair trial in respect of them is impossible.

Delivering a reserved judgment, Mr Justice Geoghegan said justice overwhelmingly required that the prosecutions should continue. Obviously, if it emerged at the trial that delays had genuinely prejudiced the applicant in some way that was not perceived now, it would be open to the trial judge to deal with the matter.