Project link-up to Tasmania

Living in Tasmania is no impediment to participation in the exhibition provided you have email, a fax and an Irish partner

Living in Tasmania is no impediment to participation in the exhibition provided you have email, a fax and an Irish partner. Alice Colman (13), of St Patrick's College, Launceston, Tasmania, used advanced technology to join forces with Lisa Crowley (15) and Ciara Curran (14), of St Columba's College, Stranorlar, Co Donegal, for a project on the dangers of sun exposure.

The 11,500-mile hook-up came about through the pupils' respective teachers. Ms Ann Burke, a chemistry teacher at St Patrick's, studied at UCG and formerly taught with Ms Ailish O'Malley, a science teacher at St Columba's. The Co Donegal school is a regular participant in the exhibition so Ms Burke was not going to be put off by a bit of geography after moving to Australia.

The girls used email and fax to keep in touch as their study of how the sun can cause eye cataracts progressed. They spoke over the phone once, explained Lisa, but the 11-hour time difference made this form of contact difficult.

Ms Burke sought corporate sponsorship to cover the cost of a flight and accommodation for Alice to come to Ireland. She arrived on January 3rd, just in time to help her research partners organise their stand, complete their research notes and get ready for the exhibition.