Protesters briefly disrupt testimony

US/IRAQ: Protesters heckled the US Defence Secretary, Mr Donald Rumsfeld, yesterday, shouting "Fire Rumsfeld for war crimes" …

US/IRAQ: Protesters heckled the US Defence Secretary, Mr Donald Rumsfeld, yesterday, shouting "Fire Rumsfeld for war crimes" at yesterday's congressional hearing to investigate the Pentagon's handling of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal.

The protesters, from the group CodePink Women for Peace, disrupted Mr Rumsfeld's testimony by chanting and pointing at the Defence Secretary.

"We want Rumsfeld fired, and there should be a wider investigation of the brutality of this investigation," said Ms Gael Murphy, one of the group's founders.

One person wore a T-shirt with "Fire Rumsfeld" written on the back, and another carried a sign with those words.


The group was allowed to interrupt the hearing for a few minutes before being guided to the exit.