Protesters occupy PwC office

Up to 30 members of an anti-household and water charge group took part in a sit-in at PricewaterhouseCoopers office on Dublin…

Some of the protestors at the peaceful protest at PricewaterhouseCoopers reception. Photograph: Bas O Curraoin

Up to 30 members of an anti-household and water charge group took part in a sit-in at PricewaterhouseCoopers office on Dublin’s North Wall Quay today.

The occupation lasted one hour, before members of Campaign against Home and Water Taxes voluntarily left.

The protesters remained in PwC's reception area during the demonstration. Gardaí were called but no arrests were made.

This is the first sit-in the group took part in. A spokesman said it represents a significant escalation of their protest activity.

The protest was "designed to draw attention to the financial institutions that have avoided the effects of the economic crisis while ordinary workers and their families are made to suffer", the group said.

Following the sit-in, the protestors moved to the National Convention Centre to picket the Ibec meeting of chief executives from across Europe, which was attended by president of the EU Commission José Manuel Barroso.