PSNI investigate discovery of man's body

The death of an elderly man whose body was discovered in a Co Tyrone house today was being investigated by police.

The death of an elderly man whose body was discovered in a Co Tyrone house today was being investigated by police.

Detectives believe there may have been a burglary at the house in Coalisland.

The man's body was discovered by police when they called at the house in Killeen crossroads earlier today.

His elderly sister was found injured in the property and she was taken to hospital suffering from serious injuries.


A post-mortem was being carried out to establish the cause of the man's death.

A PSNI spokesman said their investigations were at a very early stage, but they were investigating the possibility there may have been a burglary at the house.

The PSNI appealed for anyone who had been in the area from Saturday evening onwards and noticed anything suspicious to contact them.

Meanwhile police in east Belfast were treating an attack on a man in another house as attempted murder. A 34-year-old man was being questioned by detectives after a man and woman were injured by an intruder at the house in Grove Street East.

A PSNI spokesman said a man armed with a hammer, screwdriver and hammer entered the house yesterday evening at around 10.30 p.m. and inflicted serious head injuries on a man in the living room. The victim was being treated in hospital for his injuries, which were not believed to be life threatening.

The woman escaped with minor injuries, said the spokesman.